Monday, October 20, 2008

Lemon-y chicken with a side of pink eye.

While perusing on I found several lemon chicken recipes. I always read the comments and while it surely is a waste of time I am comfortable with it. I narrowed it down to a few and was looking for someone to tell me they were stellar. And I came upon this "special review".

Dec. 11, 2007
I'll never make this again. Two weeks ago my husbund called me at home to say he invited his boss to our house for supper that night. I franicked. I just picked my dauther up from school because she had pinkeye and to make matters worst, it was two days before my husbunds payday and we were out of meat with no money to by none either. I dug through the deep freeze and found some chicken and I checked the internet for a recipie. I was in the mood for tangy but I didn't want to fuss because I had to take my dauther to rite aids to pick up her subscription. This recipie sounded good to me and I just figured everyone else on here just gave it a bad rate because they messed it up. I dumped all the ingerdents in the crockpot and said a little prayer. At Rite aids, I picked up a box of white wine. When we came home, it smelled lemon-y and garlic-y. I boiled some minute rice and eggerly waited for my husbund and his boss to come home. When they came home, I had my dauther poor them some white wine. My husbund said she shouldnt because her eye was swolled up but I she washed her hands. After we all prayed, I started to ladle to Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken I over the minute rice I could tell it was going to be a disaster. My husbunds boss "Jeff" tried to hide his discust at overburdensome fragrants. My husbund wasn't speaking to me because he was mad about the wine thing. I could tell he was real mad. "Jeff" ate half and then exused himself for a call and said he had to leave.

Needless to say I refrained from making any chicken at all. "Get in the car kids, it's pizza tonight!"

I understand that this is sending me with a one way ticket to "the bad place" but what can I say. I took one for the team. Enjoy...

1 comment:

spectator said...

This is so effin funny! However, I do wish that our "RiteAids" had boxes of wine. That could be interesting.